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Updated multiple times daily with an average of 100 posts a month, the Tom and Lorenzo blog is the go-to site when you want to hear the opinions of a gay couple on fashion, pop culture, and reality television.

Tom and Lorenzo made their name skewering such reality TV fare as Project Runway and Make Me a Supermodel, but really broke out as blogging stars when they expanded their focus to include a host of other TV shows (Glee, Lost, Mad Men, V, among others) and ongoing red carpet commentary. Widely linked and quoted in the mainstream press (NYT, Rolling Stone, EW, Newsweek, among others) T Lo have created a committed community of fashionistas and pop culture fans, all of whom have rediscovered the grand gay tradition of judging other people and all of whom love to talk style, celebrity, and pop culture.

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About Our Audience:
% Male: 35
% Female: 65
Avg. Household Income: $60 - $100k
Avg. Age Range: 18-35
Avg. Educational Level: College degree
Source of Data: Quantcast

"If websites could talk (or eat, for that matter), this is the one we'd want to have lunch with." ~ Entertainment Weekly

"Top 10: The Best in TV, Web, Books and Beyond" ~ Rolling Stone

"[A] laugh-out-loud take from a couple of witty gay guys..." ~ Variety

"Fashion Blogs We Like" ~ New York Magazine/The Cut

"...the very astute Tom and Lorenzo..." ~ Newsweek

For more press coverage, please visit our press page.

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