While boiling a kilo of your favorite variety of pasta, toss some minced garlic into a large pan flooded with extra virgin olive oil! Then, quickly throw in some fresh diced tomatoes, salt to taste, and hot pepper! Sauté just a few minutes and—ah!—it’s ready for some fresh basil and grated cheese.
I don’t know about you, but I like my salsa—piccante—that is, “spicy.”
And that’s exactly why I like Salsa Jeans: they know how to serve it up nice and spicy!
The Salsa brand was created in 1994 by three Portuguese brothers and is headquartered in a small municipality situated in the far north of Portugal.
And speaking of which, did you know that the Portuguese have 365 recipes for bacalhau—salted, dried codfish—one for every day of the year? I used to travel to Portugal several times a year for work and, each time, I would try a new dish! Ah, the memories!
Well, getting back to Salsa, the brand is selling in 250 points of 25 countries and, just this week, was serving up a spicy portion of jeans wear at Bread & Butter in Berlin.
So the next time you sit down for a spicy meal, think of Salsa Jeans!