"Hit up the always hilarious Tom and Lorenzo for a look-by-look evaluation of whether this was the gayest Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show ever." PopWatch - Entertainment Weekly

"...a good fashion round-up [...] from the excellent Tom and Lorenzo." Guardian

"Opinionated fashion and TV blogging couple Tom and Lorenzo dedicate at least two posts a week to Mad Men. [...] The posts on style showcase how much a character's outfit can communicate his or her social status and personal storyline." The Seattle Times

"Their blog is catty but filled with insightful and honest repartees, which reflect the couple’s conversations throughout the day." The Philippine Star

"...Tom and Lorenzo [...] whose award-winning blog is read by fashionistas the world over." The Daily Telegraph

"Tom and Lorenzo, who maintain a fantastic blog on style and fashion in television and movies, have provided some of the most in-depth, contextualized analysis of the clothing and decor on Mad Men that I've ever seen." The Portland Mercury
"I'm struggling for breath from laughing so hard while reading your blog! Tom and Lorenzo, you are the two most brilliant guys in social commentary! Thank you for being you!" Tim Gunn

"As Tom & Lorenzo, the kings of Project Runway commentary, revealed earlier this week, the T-shirts that garnered Irina so much praise weren't exactly all her own work. " Slate

"'Such is the extent of her villainy that when it's combined with the sheer blandness of the rest of this season, it turns out she's not much of a villain,' wrote Project Rungay." The Daily Beast

"Tom and Lorenzo over at Project Rungay have it on good authority that producers are aware of the backlash and are looking to fans for advice." The Huffington Post

"Oh, my kittens, we have a problem on our hands. I know that I do not usually call you "my kittens," because so many of you are not actual kittens, but I have once again fallen under the spell of Tom and Lorenzo, the Project Rungay guys." San Francisco Chronicle
"From Make Me a Supermodel and Mad Men to their flagship show Project Runway, Tom and Lorenzo offer sharp, witty and ever-fashionable commentary that will make you wish you got to watch the shows with them." Top 10 TV Blogs - Blogs.com

"...Project Runway Web site you must check (if you haven’t already) is ‘Tom and Lorenzo,’ formerly known as ‘Project Rungay.’ It’s hysterically funny..." AccessAtlanta.com

"For outstanding drama performances in the only reality TV show that matters, we proudly present ... the T Lo Awards!" myLifetime.com

"...a really fabulous website called Project Rungay. It’s obviously a one-off from discussing the incredible reality show Project Runway..." celebitchy.com

"...the very astute Tom and Lorenzo of Project Runw[g]ay take a strong stand against this kind of magazine stunt..." Newsweek

"Among the funniest first lady stalkers are Tom and Lorenzo, the self-identified gay couple who write projectrungay.blogspot.com (The name comes from their devotion to the reality TV series Project Runway.) In their words, they like "to sit on the couch and engage in that grand gay tradition of judging other people harshly." commercialappeal.com

"Project Rungay creators Tom and Lorenzo—who admit they have “been rooting since Day One for Bravo to get this one right”—offer 2,400+ words on how Bravo can fix The Fashion Show..."
reality blurred

"I would have started by demanding to meet Michelle, or, as my favorite fashion-obsessed bloggers at projectrungay.blogspot.com call her, 'Shelley O.'" StarTribune

"...I’ll keep watching "The Fashion Show" to see if it gets better—and to tide me over until “Runway” returns. And I'll tune in so I can read Tom and Lorenzo next-day recaps on "Project Rungay," which I'm sure will be the most entertaining aspect of the entire project." Chicago Tribune

"Favorite website: Project Rungay" USA Today/Pop Candy

"Project Rungay, for a laugh-out-loud take from a couple of witty gay guys on one of our favorite reality shows and more." Variety.com

"Stylista should give TLo plenty of fodder for their addictive blend of cutting wit and rag-trade wisdom. " Chicago Tribune

"Those still reeling from Leanne's big win can explore plenty more "Runway"-related news and commentary on "Project Rungay", a blog dedicated to all reality shows having to do with fashion." Metro Boston

"Which is going to be for you? Which is more suspenseful? Will Kenley go negative? In either case, forget about tonight swinging the gay vote." TIME Magazine/Tuned In

"It sounds like something Michael Kors might say on "Project Runway." Or, as they refer to him at projectrungay.blogspot.com -- "the Duchess." Star Tribune
"The boys from Rungay keep us laughing, and nodding in agreement each week with their no-holds-barred commentary. Anyone who has dubbed Kors "the duchess" is OK in our book. Sample line from their blog, "To sum it up, boring, poorly made, made his client look fat. That's the trifecta of an auf'ing right there.""
- Best 'Runway' Blog Chicago Tribune

"Why was Jerry the first to go home? It was a matter of charisma, and Stella clearly had more [...] one blog has dubbed her "Cheroin." Slate.com

"I watch Project Runway every week and read Project Rungay because, kittens, it's the best." San Francisco Chronicle

"Ever fan's must-read blog."411 Magazine

"Project Rungay is the Mystery Science Theater 3000 of Project Runway." Snackworthy
"...Not only does the pair extensively blog about every style that goes down the runway [...] they also keep fans updated on any and all Project Runway mumblings during the season." Hey!nielsen

"...deliciously bitchy blogging empire." Metro Source Magazine

"...the popular Project Rungay blog, which obsessively chronicles every episode as well as any and all behind-the-scenes gossip." The New York Observer

"...as Tom Fitzgerald of the Project Rungay blog described it to the New York Times." Metro News Canada

"Tom Fitzgerald writes a gay-themed blog with Lorenzo Marquez about their favorite reality show, “Project Runway." The New York Times

"So when we want real commentary about a dress made of licorice, we hit projectrungay..."
- Top 10: The Best in TV, the Web, Books and Beyond - Rolling Stone

"...if websites could talk (or eat, for that matter), this is the one we'd want to have lunch with."
- The Best of the Web: The 25 Best Fansites - Entertainment Weekly

"Tom and Lorenzo have a Project Runway, fashion and style blog called Project Rungay [...] Check it out...it's bitchy and fun and addicting! " ELLE.com/Tell All

"For once, Christian is someone who lives up to his own expectation of himself," said Tom Fitzgerald, of the blog Project Rungay [...] It was Fitzgerald and his co-blogger who christened Siriano "Princess Puffysleeves" Baltimore Sun

"Did you know that the folks over at Project Rungay are doing comic strips based on the current season? FEEEEEAZZ!" AfterElton.com

"Fashion Blogs We Like: Project Rungay." New York Magazine/The Cut

"Surf Project Rungay for catty commentary on the hit Bravo show." Newsweek

"...LOVE this website. Great commentary every week." The Detroit News

"This blog rules the runway." Philadelphia Inquirer

"That whole blog, by the way, is just beyond fabulous." Chicago Tribune
"leave[s] reality show fans in stitches." Boston Herald
"Some of our favorite “Project Runway” Web sites:...Project Rungay." The Kansas City Star

"Oh, we just know we are going to get addicted." The Austin Chronicle
"wit and style and just a pinch of bitchiness" Worth Repeating/AOL Gay & Lesbian

"A bright spot of witty homosexual culture" OUTzoneTV.com

"Check out our good friends Tom and Lorenzo at Project Rungay. They cover the queer end of the designers." The Dish/BravoTV.com

"Project RunGAY Blog. Crack for Project Runway addicts." ThisNext.com
"Many sites dedicate posts to each episode, but one outdoes the rest. Project Rungay dissects every element of the show in style." Best Gay Blogs

"I will no doubt be hitting the refresh button at the truly inspired "Project Rungay" site all day Thursday at work." Metroblogging San Francisco