Married for 12 years and foolish enough to leave our jobs to start our own home-based business, we found ourselves sitting at our desks for 15 hours a day, communicating with the outside world only through fax or email. Because our only co-workers were each other, we missed being the bitchy, funny gay guy in the next cubicle and looked for an outlet in order to prevent a double homo-cide. Because this is America, we turned to television to solve all our problems.

Being the judgmental type, there's nothing we love more to do than sit on the couch, watch a good makeover show, and yell at the screen, but nothing prepared us for the juggernaut known as Project Runway. At last, we had found our niche. Crazy fashion, hungry models, more gay designers than you can shake a yardstick at, and the fabulous Mr. Tim Gunn. What more could any homebound gay couple ask?

After a year of futilely attempting to find a friend or family member who'd heard of the show and shared in our unbridled joy, we turned to the internet and launched our blog Project RunGay. We figured there was no one out there giving the bitchy gay take on Frau Seal and company and since we are both bitchy and gay, we rolled up our sleeves and got to work. The response was nothing short of amazing (to us, anyway), with national exposure in countless newspapers and magazines and the full support of Bravo, who invited us to finale parties and to sit in the tent at Bryant Park so we could be bitchy in person. Not wanting to be pinned down to such a narrow topic (and because frankly, we loved the attention), we renamed our blog Tom & Lorenzo and proceeded to expand our topic range to include fashion blogging, further reality TV blogging (for shows such as Shear Genius, Top Design, Launch My Line, and RuPaul's Drag Race), general TV blogging (for shows such as Lost, Mad Men, Glee, and V) and anything else that caught our eye.

The blogosphere is a highly competitive place, but we found a large audience and built a tight-knit community by just being ourselves and writing about whatever topic the two of us tend to talk about in our day-to-day lives. We have become the bitchy, funny gay guy in the next cubicle to hundreds of thousands of readers and we're insanely proud of how broad our demographic is, from urban gay men to rural straight women, teenagers to grandparents, we've managed (to our eternal surprise) to reach an incredibly wide segment of people from all over the world.

In addition to our blogging, we've been slinging celebrity and style interviews for the fabulous Metrosource magazine with people like Kyan Douglas, Christina Hendricks, Elizabeth Mitchell, Michelle Williams, Ryan Brown, Goil Amornvivat, Libby Langdon, Robert Verdi, Gina Gershon, Nina Garcia, and Tim Gunn. We've also provided content for Lifetime Television's site, mylifetime.com and the Flypaper blog for Bluefly.com.

If you're a publisher, editor, or agent who thinks we might have something to offer you, feel free to contact us.
