This 26th January, join aussieBum to celebrate Australia Day & help the thousands of Australians affected by the terrible floods earlier this month!
After the severe floods that swept Eastern Australia earlier this month, thousands of Australian families were evacuated and 41 areas of Queensland were declared natural disaster zones as rising waters blighted communities and cut off towns in the state.
Joining the wave of fundraising initiatives to help recovery efforts, the team @ Australia’s men swimwear & underwear brand aussieBum pulled up their sleeves and got to work in an effort to help their fellow Australians, by doing what they do best: SEXY MEN UNDERWEAR!
AussieBum has released a new fun & colorful underwear range “QLD Flood Relief “, now on sale on its website. 100% of the money raised by the sale of this exclusive range will go to Aussies affected by the floods.
Australia’s famous Marathon Man, 3-time gold winning paralympian, Kurt Fearnley has teamed up with aussieBum in order to further raise awareness on this project and help those that need it the most.
Kurt comments: “In time of great need, us Aussies pull together! So I’ve got together with my mates from aussieBum to ask what we can do for those affected by the floods, Let’s help Australia heal!”
Click here to watch and download Kurt’s message.
So buy a special pair of QLD Flood Relief Undies on aussieBum today and help us help Australia heal!
Not to mention, these undies are promised to make you or your man as sexy as ever.
(Product Name: QLD Flood Relief Underwear, Available in yellow & Ice Blue, Brief & Hipster)
Check out the sexy models here.
Photos & text Copyright aussieBum.