Underwear, Swimwear & Sleepwear by Todd and Terry

Created with a formula of original design, a fresh range of colors and eye-catching style, the Todd and Terry men’s underwear brand has grown globally since its inception. Originally beginning in Melbourne, Australia, the hometown of creators Greg Shand and John Ioannou, the brand is rapidly spanning the globe—currently hitting the shelves of retailers in the United States, and soon to be debuting in European brick and mortar stores.

Across the board, Todd and Terry has been setting the trend in men’s underwear fashion with its bold look and style. And unlike most underwear companies that purchase stock designs of underwear, Todd and Terry’s designs are all hand-drawn by Greg. Another distinct trademark of Todd and Terry is that each collection bears a guy’s name, infusing each line with an essence of masculinity and individuality that offers buyers an alternative to the mundane and uninspired brands found on most store shelves.

As visionary designers, Greg and John find inspiration everywhere they travel. From trash and treasures to old street signs, anything can become an idea for their next underwear design. Even in Melbourne and Bangkok, where Greg and John reside, remaining attuned to current styles, fashions and trends helps them to discover inspiration in their own locales.

Overall, Todd and Terry continues to expand its reach around the world, helping guys to discover their own distinct identities with their choice in skivvies. And in keeping with their mission to create original, eye-catching designs in a fresh range of colors, Greg and John have culminated a consumer base that has remained loyal to Todd and Terry. In the near future, they hope to expand the collection to a variety of extended ranges.

Photos & text Courtesy grapeVine, Copyright Todd and Terry.