Capital of Sardinia, Cagliari is home to approximately 160,000 inhabitants, or ½ million if you count the suburbs. The city was founded in the 8th century BC by the Phoenicians, who named it Karalis, which was merely one of the many Phoenician colonies along the coast.

Like the rest of the island, subsequent empires and republics have left their footprints on the city, including Rome, the Vandals, Byzantium, Pisa, Genoa, Catalonia, Aragon, Spain, and Piedmont.
With the passing of each domination, so mutated the name, going to Càralis by the Romans, Càlleri by the Catalans, and finally Cagliari in Italian. As with the name, so changed the culture and the menswear, which we will examine in depth. But now, a look at the city.
Cagliari is built on a steep hill of white rock, which culminates in a dramatic hike to an imposing medieval Castle—su casteddu—the highest point and oldest section of the city, which offers a breathtaking view of the bay.
The towers of the castle were constructed by the Pisans in 1307 as a defense against the Aragonese, who ultimately defeated the Pisans and completed the construction of the castle. At least, this time, the Pisans succeeded in leaving two towers that are not leaning!

As for contemporary menswear, well, let’s first say that the cagliaritani are easy on the eyes, dressing in a slim silhouette with fitted shirts, tees, shorts, and jeans. All very basic with details, nothing radical, but a pretty smart look. Way to go, guys!
In the way of shopping, I did not spot many stores for men and, being on an island, the prices struck me as bit higher than on the mainland. If you are into big names, your best bet is the department store la Rinascente at the port.
Just around the corner, I found an Energie store with a great selection. Since it is September, everything is 50% off. I couldn’t resist buying a great sheer, white shirt, which I am going to wear tonight when I go out to dinner with some friends of my father.
So now, why not sit back and take a walk with me through the winding, narrow streets of Cagliari, observing the raw mixture of architectural styles like art deco and Fascist neo-classicism.
Photo top center, aerial view of Cagliari.
Photo middle left, Pisan tower.
Photo bottom right, Roman amphitheatre.
Slideshow & photos Copyright Men's Fashion by Francesco.