Like other ancient colonies in Sardinia, not just one people settled the area but rather successive civilizations built upon the foundations of the previous ones.
The first settlers of what is called the Sinis promontory, near present-day Oristano, were the Nuraghic people, who lived in circular, cone-shaped buildings of stone with thatched roofs and engaged in trade with the Greeks.
Have a look at their location on the hill (video) and, then, take a walk amidst the foundations of their ancient village (slideshow). To see how Nuraghic men’s fashion rocked—literally—click here.
Nuraghic Village at Tharros
Foundations of Nuraghic Structures
For more reading on Nuraghic men and their fashion, please refer to the following articles:
Nuraghic Fashion: Intro
Nuraghic Fashion: Part 1
Nuraghic Fashion: Part 2
Nuraghic Fashion Part 3
Photos, slideshow & videos Copyright Men’s Fashion by Francesco.