Tharros: from Phoenicia to Carthage & onto Rome

Sometime around the year 730 BC, the Phoenicians settled the area also for the purpose of trade, founding the colony of Tharros, which in all probability meant ‘island’ in their language.

In 500 BC, however, Tharros was conquered by the Carthaginians, descendants of the Phoenicians, who built the preponderant walls of the city and a Semitic temple to Tanit.

The Romans conquered Tharros in 238 BC and urbanized the colony with hot and cold thermal baths, a small gladiator arena, aqueducts, roads, and a sewerage system. The two picturesque columns are the remains of four, bearing testimony to the temple of Jove where animal sacrifices were offered.

Finally, Tharros suffered over a hundred years of raids by the Vandals, from 450-533 AD, ultimately inviting the aide of Byzantium, whose reign over the city lasted from 533-900 AD.

By 1070, the city was completely abandoned, most likely due to the incursions of Barbary pirates.

Lower Tharros: Phoenician, Punic & Roman Remains
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Photos, slideshow & videos Copyright Men’s Fashion by Francesco.