One thread that unites the islands and many coastal areas of the Mediterranean is a long history of shared dominations. Moreover, with the changing of each invading conqueror, so changed the styles in menswear over the millennia.
For the next three weeks, we are going to explore the men, the history, and the fashion of several enchanting Mediterranean islands that are situated off the coast of Italy’s mainland! And I am going to take you there!
I like to return to Italy once or twice a year to visit family and friends when I am working abroad. And that is exactly what I have planned for September 2009.
First, I will be taking you to Sardinia, which I prefer to call Sardegna (pronounced Sardenya), where we will explore the natural treasures of the vast island and meet several menswear designers.
After a few shopping days in the bustling city of Naples, where some of my favorite stores and menswear brands are located, I will take you to the islands in the Bay of Naples; namely, Capri, Ischia, and Procida.
So, I want to wish you happy reading and a great virtual trip!
Buon viaggio and buon divertimento! We are going to have lots fun!
Photo top right St. Angelo, Ischia, Copyright Men’s Fashion by Francesco.
Photo bottom left, Capri, Copryright Men's Fashion by Francesco.