The means I choose to express this deep-felt gratitude is through my writings. For this reason, my primary reward is to receive feedback from the various subjects of my articles. Here are a few quotes of what some designers and their staff are saying:
Tomas Overtoom of OntFront
Thank you for your wonderful articles. Your eloquence reaches for the sky. Compliments how well you understand Liza, the brand, and the collections.
Shinchiro Shimojo of Under Castle
I have read your article about my "Cross Wear" and was glad that you understood my concepts deeply. I enjoyed reading it very much, indeed!
Chris Kelly of Theatre de la Mode
The article is fantastic. Thank you for such a great write up.
Thank you! Namaste! Grazie! It's so great!! I'm mailing the site to my family and friends!!!!
Article 23
Thank you for your article, we are very satisfied of this collaboration.
Enjoyed your article about Prophetik...
John Rocha
Thank you for sending this through. It reads very well and we will definitely forward it to John.
Michael Londrigan
Thank you for taking the time to write these articles. I truly appreciate it.
Andrea for Ute Ploier
Your article is fantastic! Thank you very much for letting us know! You are welcome to send more questions anytime.
Anco Sneep of Rubia Pigmenta Naturalia
Wonderful job you did! Thanks!
Abbiamo letto l'articolo sulla nostra linea da lei pubblicato e vorremmo sinceramente ringraziarla per le belle parole. Complimenti per la documentazione sulla storia di San Marino!
Organizer of Seattle Fashion Week
You probably get this alot, but those articles are amazing. You really captured the spirit of SFW and I truly appreciate it.
You may find additional responses at What the Designers Keep on Saying..., What the Designers have been Saying, and Some More of What the Designers Are Saying.