Ute Ploier Challenges the Copernican Universe of Menswear

This year the European Union has awarded the European Capital of Culture to Linz, Austria, the city in which Johannes Kepler discovered the law of planetary motion and birthplace of award-winning designer, Ute Ploier.

Like the critical thinking Kepler, who overthrew the established notions of astronomy and physics in his assertion that planets move in ellipses rather than epicycles, Ute Ploier has been overturning traditional concepts of men's apparel since her first debut in 2003!

Orbiting outside the perfect circle of menswear, Ute Ploier moves in asymmetrical trends as she applies elongated circles and atypical blends of fabrics, patterns, and manufacturing techniques, challenging the stereotypical expectations of masculinity and men's apparel.

Slide Show 2009 a/w collection Copyright Ute Ploier.