Finally I stumbled upon an ad for the latest publication entitled Menswear: Business to Style. Advertised as an exhaustive exposé on menswear based on the author's numerous years of experience in the field, I purchased the book and set about reading its entirety.
Chapter after chapter, like an endowed architect, the author lays a solid foundation of the menswear industry, starting with the ancient Greeks! Then, brick upon brick, he builds the theme throughout the centuries until he arrives at a skyscraper of knowledge covering every corner of the present-day menswear industry.
In addition to the cover, the first few chapters so enthralled me that I sat down to write to this illustrious author, whose name is Michael Londrigan. To my surprise, Michael responded to my email without delay, requesting permission to use my articles in his syllabus at LIM College where he chairs the Department of Fashion Merchandising!
I discovered from Michael that LIM College focuses on the business of fashion, educating men and women in retailing, buying, management, product development, marketing, visual merchandising, publications, and cosmetics—since 1939!
Located in the heart of Manhattan, LIM College runs 4 locations, offering associate and bachelor's degrees, as well as an MBA. To think that my articles would have a role in training the next generation of men and women who will drive the fashion industry, I was beside myself!
A week later when I was privileged to speak with Michael by phone, my first question was obviously, "What inspired you to write such a thorough exposition on the menswear industry?"
"The genesis for the text," answered Michael graciously, "was an existing text published by Pierson, titled Menswear: Suiting the Customer. I was using this text teaching menswear for Berkeley College and realized it had been published in 1993 and not updated; it had and still has a picture of OJ Simpson in the text as a fashion icon! I knew something had to be done, so I decided to take on the project. Fairchild liked the idea, so I used my industry experience and research to compile the text."
With 28 years of experience in the menswear sales, merchandising, and marketing for several private label companies, Michael Londrigan shares many insights into the industry.
For more from this menswear guru, stay tuned for a 2-part exclusive interview with Michael Londrigan, as he discusses his personal life and professional experiences, sustainability, the current recession, and the future of the menswear industry!
Photo Menswear: Business to Style Copyright 2009 Fairchild Books, used with permission by author.