PR: Congratulations!

There's a party in my dress and everyone's coming!

YAY! We love how the show has such a history that all you need to do is stand Tim outside a theme store and everyone starts clapping because they know what it means.

It means unconventional materials challenge!

It's kind of weird. This feels like a repeat challenge, but they've never actually been to a party store for the show, have they?

At any rate, we were happy to see the designers all excited for the challenge. It speaks well of them. There were plenty of times in the past when designers were faced with unconventional materials and reacted in a decidedly more petulant "This isn't what I DO..." manner. We loved that everyone was so game.

And honestly? We don't want to hear any bitching on the new 90-minute format. The producers of this show listened to you and gave you exactly what you wanted -- more time on the creative process and more time with Tim. In 7 previous seasons of blogging this show we can say that was the most common request among the viewership, as far as we can see.

Of course, WE love the extra time because it means...


A.J. won't shut his flapping mouth and the designers can't take it anymore! Actually, his transparent over-reaction to everyone's expectations was kind of entertaining.

"Why are you saying this is right up my alley?! Just because I make dresses out of party favors doesn't mean I'm automatically going to win this, you know! This is TOTALLY DIFFERENT!!!



We'll get to A.J.'s little meltdown at a later date.

In other news, everyone in the schoolhouse hates Nellie Olson.

Look, far be it from us to dissuade anyone from whacking at this season's pinata because we find her high self-regard more than a little annoying ourselves, but there was an awful lot of suspicious editing telling us that we were supposed to hate her and we're the types that chafe under that kind of obvious manipulation.

Like so. Subtle as a backhanded slap.

And we might be going out on a limb here, but when she said "Hey everybody, remember you need to have time to make sure your station is all cleaned today," that sounded more like one of the workroom lines the producers ask random designers to say, like "FIVE MORE MINUTES EVERYBODY!"

Of course, she DID say that her work was so good that it was going to force everyone else to do better work just to catch up to her and believe us, that is a slappable offense. We just think the producers aren't trusting us to make that evaluation on our own, so we're getting "bitch" tiara's and producer-fed lines and lots of B-roll of people rolling their eyes.

And of course, there was the grandmama of wacky fabulosity, Miss Betsey Johnson herself.

All in all, a great episode in old-school P.R. style with a runway show that left us lots to discuss. And an ambulance at the end! What's not to love?
Model: Cassie

So, congrats to Andy!

We'll be honest, we thought at first he was heading toward a fall, too hung up on a bad idea that was going to cost him.

Then we were all, "No, wait! He's getting the winner's edit!"

Then we caught some of the other looks and thought they were better than his (get to that later), and we were all, "NO! LOSER'S edit!"

We can't just sit and watch this show passively anymore.

Anyway, once Peach and April showed up to help, it was all over. That was a clear winner edit, as far as we could see. How sweet of them both to help him out. Miles away from A.J.s frantic, sweaty "This is a competition! I'm sorry! I'm not going to help you with a pattern! I'm sorry! "It's a competition! I'm sorry!" to Casanova last week.

Clearly, April and Peach saw that this dress had the potential to blow them all out of the water (and they wanted to make sure Gretchen didn't win).

It was intricate and detailed, inventive and modern-looking.

It looked like real high-end fashion. That's all you've got to do to win these challenges. Make something Heidi will want to wear or Nina will want to shoot out of unlikely materials and you're a shoo-in.

He really did an amazing job.

But - we're just going to say this now to soften the blow when we get to it later - it wasn't our pick for the win.

An inventive, labor-intensive design that really paid off for him in the end, it was, in our eyes, a very close second. We have no real criticisms except to say the shape was a little blocky and the silhouette a little obvious. These are EXTREMELY minor criticisms. In the end, it's was a kickass party dress in every sense of the word.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

[Screencaps: - Video Credit: - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/]

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