Björk for AnOther Magazine


AnOther Magazine A/W10 Fashion Superstars issue
Photographed by Inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin
On sale September 16th

"Featuring cover star Björk styled by Camilla Nickerson and photographed by Inez and Vinoodh. “She’s the only person we know who is completely connected with heaven and earth simultaneously,” say the photographers."

Call us fanboys, but unlike when, say, an overzealous editor claims that Lady Gaga is a "beacon of hope," stating that Björk is "completely connected with heaven and earth simultaneously" is just good common sense, as far as we're concerned.

We absolutely LOVE that cover. She looks amazing and the styling is dead on. We can't let the elephant in the room go by uncommented-upon, however: It looks like they shaved a good 15 pounds and 15 years off her, though. Honestly - and we've said this before - we don't defend the practice of excessive Photoshopping, but we also don't feel the need to comment on it in every case. Because if we do comment on it, then the work of the photographer and stylists and designers and model all get passed by for an extended conversation about the Evils of Photoshop. We can practically guarantee that's what's going to happen with the comments to this post. Which is a shame, as far as we're concerned, because all the work of the people who produced this image gets ignored in favor of talking about some guy at a computer erasing cellulite or laugh lines or shaving inches off someone's face.

In addition (oh geez, we're really opening a can of worms here), there tends to be a loss of perspective. Yes, it's awful that, say, Christina Hendricks gets inches shaved off her figure for photo shoots, but that's not something that happens only to Christina Hendricks, or in this case, only to Björk. It happens to EVERYBODY who appears in an ad, editorial, or magazine cover. Young or old, skinny or plus-sized, model or non-model, male or female; everybody gets the Photoshop treatment.

See? Now we're not talking about the clothes.

Louis Vuitton Fall 2010 Collection
Model: Elle Macpherson

Here's the dress from the cover. We didn't particularly love this dress when it made its debut, but it's been used a lot in editorials and it works perfectly in that milieu.

As for the real, un-Photoshopped Björk and her unreal fashion sense, take a gander at a couple of recent red carpet appearances:

God bless that insane little ice pixie. Time to crank up the speakers and listen to "Big Time Sensuality" again. That one never gets old.