STOCKHOLM - August 5, 2010 - Mutewatch launches vibrating watch with disguised touch screen!
The Swedish start-up Mutewatch is now, after years of secrets, happy to present the design of its innovative watch.
Mutewatch is a silent alarm in the shape of a vibrating wristband. This discreet device with its disguised touch screen brings structure and time back to its user. It serves as a quiet reminder that helps you to follow your own agenda without disturbing people in your surroundings.
Mutewatch is always at hand and allows you to navigate swiftly between its functions, its clock, alarm and timers, giving you the ability to set your vibrations as you go.
”We are now proudly presenting Mutewatch to the world. Mutewatch sprung from the idea of a silent, vibrating alarm clock, and grew into this beautiful watch with its concealed touch interface which works like magic when you use it”, says Oscar Ritzén Praglowski, CTO at Mutewatch AB, in an open letter on the company blog.
Words can't describe how I feel about our development team. The time spent working on this product has been a time of pure joy—with so much talent and creative energy brought together!”
When the watch is touched, a hidden screen lights up showing the time. By swiping a finger horizontally left or right, the user can navigate through the functions clock, timer and alarm. Mutewatch charges via a regular USB port.
Mutewatch is a new kind of watch equipped with a disguised touch screen and a quiet, vibrating alarm and timer.
Founded in Stockholm 2009 by Mai-Li Hammargren, Oscar Ritzén Praglowski and Gustav Hammargren, then students at the Stockholm School of Economics and the Royal Institute of Technology, the company Mutewatch AB develops, sells and markets Mutewatch to a global market.
Besides bringing the product to the market, the company is also the host of parties called Good Vibrations and shares a blog on its website,, which deals with product development, time management and fashion.
Photos & text Copyright Mutewatch.