So we're leaving the bitchy judgmentalism up to you. A lot of you thought Padma Lakshmi's jewelry was pretty boring the other day, so here, bitches. Here's some not-boring jewelry from Vice and Vanity, a design studio from Singapore founded in 2006. Former Club21 employee Vivi Masturah Lim and Fine Arts graduate Aaron Kao are the designers behind the label and their latest collection is called "Oni."
"The native American name represents birth out of holy ground while in Japan it's the name of a devilish entity with sharp claws. This collection interprets the tension of opposites - with leather clad diamond facets attempting to pop out of an entrapment of sharp serrated edges in an interlocking formation that is reminiscent of industrial gears grinding away, with mindless mechanical obedience. There are scents of native aesthetics which have no belonging. However if they do, they belong to a dream trapped in a comedy of playfullness and oddity."
It's got a primitive/techno thing going on without lapsing into the boredom or pretension that usually follows whenever someone uses the phrase "it's got a primitive/techno thing going on."
What do the minions think?

[Photo Credit: vicevanity.com]
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