PRS8: Meet Nicholas D'Aurizio and Sarah Trost

Kittens, we have so many designers to prejudge before Thursday!

Nicholas D’Aurizio
Age: 31
Birthplace/Hometown: Hackensack, NJ/Palisades Park, NJ
Current Home: New York City, NY

Current occupation? Handbag designer.
What is a fashion must? For me, my T-shirts and Converse sneakers.
What are your strengths as a designer?
The ability to think outside the box and come up with unique but wearable concepts.
What's influenced your designs over the years?
The garments my grandfather made back in the '30s and '40s, and old-fashioned menswear.
What fashion faux pas drives you crazy?
The skinny jean slouchy look. I want to walk up behind kids and pull up their pants.
What's your biggest fear as a designer?
Failing! Making clothes that women do not want to wear.
Favorite Designer(s):
Yoehlee, Alexander McQueen, Chanel, Dolce and Gabanna, Prada
Style Icons:
Victoria Beckham with a little twist of Jackie O
Project Runway challenge you wish they'd bring back for your season?
Using different buildings around NY as inspiration for garments.
Favorite Past Project Runway Designer:
Christian Siriano, Season 4

As a child growing up in a large Italian family, Nicholas was obsessed with MacGyver, Lego’s,
Lincoln Logs and any sort of toys that required constructing and being creative so he always knew he had designer potential. Nicholas took drafting and AutoCAD classes in high school and earned a BS in architecture from the Catholic University of America in Washington DC. There he took one sewing course, one draping course and two sketching classes. Everything else that he learned as a designer was self-taught through books, practice and studying already constructed garments and figuring out how they were put together. The first garment he ever made was with the help of his partner -a dress for his partner’s mother for her daughter’s wedding. Currently a handbag designer, Nicholas’ past jobs included designing men’s and women’s assessories, creating garments for the Christmas display windows for Bloomingdales and working as an architect and interior denisigner. He also interned one summer for Yeohlee.

Why he’ll win?

For Nicholas, fashion is about making women feel beautiful and he truly believes he has the ability to do that and more with his upbeat attitude and unique design background.

Home Visit:
"This is the entertainment center!" Is it us or is this shaping up to potentially be the gayest season of the show yet? He should have a "sparkle" sound effect for every time he waves his arms.

Casting Session:
BIG GIRL! YAY! He seems like fun in a "Just Jack!" sort of way.


It's uneven, but we can see the potential that the judges presumably saw as well. There's a bit of a Prada influence, but with some editing and a little more creativity, he could be a contender.

Sarah Trost
Age: 27
Birthplace/Hometown: Frazier Park, CA
Current Home: Toluca Lake, CA

Current occupation? Costume designer.
Favorite Designer(s): Adrian, Nudie Cohn, Bill Belew, Gaultier, Schiaparelli, Old school, Poiret, Fortuny
What are your strengths as a designer? Strong styles or statements that compliment the wearer's personality and figure type.
What are your weaknesses as a designer? I tend to go a little overboard in detail and fabric choice.
What's influenced your designs over the years? Music, locations and real people; designers, especially Schiaparelli; art nouveau.
What's your biggest fear as a designer? I'm not sure I understand the question.
Style Icon: Elvis
Project Runway challenge you hope they bring back for your season? Wedding dresses! Or if they had a tranny challenge . . . I would clean house.
How did you end up auditioning for Project Runway? I needed a change and figured I should probably do something with my life before I melt.
Favorite Past Project Runway Designer:
Jay McCarroll, Season 1. I also love Anthony from the past season. He's adorable and has a great outlook.

Sarah had auditioned for season 5 of Project Runway only to make it to the finals. Now as one of the 16 designers, she wants the world to see her potential. Beginning at the age of 10, she taught herself how to sew by reading old craft books and by simply using trial and error. Throughout the years, she uses all aspects of her life, including music, locations, people, and Art Nouveau, as the main influences found in her designs. Sarah feels that strong styles or statements should compliment a wearer’s personality and figure type. Currently a costume designer, she has a fashion degree from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising (FIDM).

Why she’ll win?
Sarah has confidence that the judges will make the right decision. All she can do is have fun and design what she loves.

"I'm not sure I understand the question." That's cute.

Home Visit:
Could she possibly be any more the L.A. costume designer? It's like they got her from Central Casting.

Casting Session:
Uh...what? "Sarah, we hate your stuff. Get the hell out of here." "Sarah you're on the show." Silence. What's THAT all about?

She looks to be a character and that certainly effected the decision, but y'know?


There's definitely something there. Not so much in these sketches but we thought that kitty dress was hilarious. She's got a point of view and an aesthetic that could shake up the runway a bit. And she could be an entertaining bitch, which is always fun.

More info on Nicholas D'Aurizio and Sarah Trost at

[Video Credit: - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/]

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