We predict Tim will go postal on the judges before this season is out.
Let's be honest here: not cut out for reality television. She's too sweet and the newborn back home was already distracting her. Imagine how much we would have heard about it in the coming weeks had she stayed.
So yeah, Tim thought this was cute and Heidi thought it was "butt-ugly" (God bless her ESL approach to criticism). If Bunim/Murray really wants to go the Real World route, they should continue these Tim and Heidi disagreements all season until it culminates in a drunken brawl in a hot tub. We'd pay to see that.
Here's the thing: we are going to criticize the dress, but that in no way means we thought she should go home over Jason and Casanova, not by a mile. But we'll get to that. For now, we'll start off with this: that fabric she chose for the skirt is gorgeous and made for a nice counterpart to the shirt fabric. Good instincts.
But the proportions on this thing are (to borrow a Kors-ism again) INSANE. Side boob bonanza and a skirt so high waisted even Michelle Obama would look at it and say "Damn, that's a high-waisted skirt." The idea of a racer back was cute.
And the popped collar with the halter neckline? Also cute.
The treatment on the waist and the epaulets (it was all-epaulets last night) are not cute.
And that bag simply wasn't helping the look. It's not often the judges go out of their way to criticize the accessorizing, but this was a pretty glaringly bad choice.
But what she really needed to do was to drop that waist down, remove all the frippery, and just produce a simple halter top that fit correctly with a cute skirt in that fabric and she would have sailed on through to the next challenge. it could have been a perfect middle of the road entry.
Of course you could argue that it WAS a perfect middle of the road entry and we wouldn't fight you on that. We say this not as a defense of the judges, merely as two people who have examined all their decisions with an intensity that bypassed "healthy" years ago, but we kind of understand the thinking behind the decision. We'll break it down:
1)Jason and Casanova make great reality competition characters. 2)Jason and Casanova make great reality competition characters. 3)Jason and Casanova both have that much-lauded-among-PR-judges quality, "point of view," and you could argue that McKell doesn't. Face it, we're all talking about Jason's fucked up kimono and Casanova's Dubai pole-dancer this morning. If McKell hadn't been auf'd would anyone really be talking about this dress? 4)Jason and Casanova make great reality competition characters.
And there you have it. Reality television explained.
Tim Gunn's Workroom:
Extended Judging:
Under the Gunn:
Exit Interview:
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com - Video Credit: myLifetime.com - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/myLifetime.com]