He doesn't think so. This guy is on f*ckin fire right now (fire as in hot, not as in flaming). Anything JC puts out turns to gold, and is continuously He approved. Honestly, go browse
SoleStruck and find one pair of JC that aren't sick as sh*t, you can't do it. This guy is on his game, and because of that JC just got added to team He. Want to see more JC on Fashion by He check out Week 1:
JC Sparkle Heels, Week 2:
JC Clogs Week 3:
Here is where Team HE is at this time:
Team He:
James from
Black MilkRuthie from
Ruthie DavisMark A from
Herve LegerJeffrey from
Jeffrey CampbellGot a Tip? Need some Fashion Help? Want your style approved? Need a Guest blogger? He-mail