Spring Color Trends & a Happy Easter!

Today is Easter Sunday when millions around the world are celebrating the holiday in one way or another. Regardless of whether we believe in the significance or not, in the northern hemisphere spring is here—a time in which all of Nature seems to come back to life in wonderful Technicolor!

This morning when I awoke, I began to think of the spring color palette, not at any recent fashion week but rather on Nature’s runway! Meanwhile, since it is a religious holiday for so some many countries, I also began reflecting on how, throughout history, religion has dictated the dress codes of followers.

At times, the dress code has been dark, drab, and dreary as with the old-time Pentecostals. At other times, the garb has been vibrant and colorful as with Buddhist priests or Catholic cardinals.

I remember the first time I took a ride to Lancaster, Pennsylvania, where a religious group by the name of the Amish live. Everyone was dressed plainly in muted colors, except for the men of some progressive sects, who wore different colored shirts.

The Amish trace their beginnings back to 1693 in Switzerland, migrating to Pennsylvania in the 18th century. Dress to the Amish is a serious issue as it symbolizes their devotion. Some leaders allow flashier colors, as long as they are found in nature.

I pondered on this thought today: How would men dress if they allowed Nature to determine their color palette and styles? So, I grabbed my camera and took a walk, snapping away.

I learned a lesson: to be like Nature! Be bold, be happy, and be colorful!

Happy Easter & Happy Spring!

Photos Copyright Men's Fashion by Francesco.