T LOunge

The doors are open!

Sketch Club Lounge in Merano, Italy

And thank god for that, because we need a drink, kittens. Blogging is hard!

The destination tonight is Italy, so pack your passports and get ready to carb load. We'll save a seat for you but you'll have to buy your own drinks.

"No one is congratulating me for holding a piece of paper. What's up with that?"

You would think the fate of the world rests on these dresses, the way they hype the show. EARTH! AIR! FIRE and WATER! NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF BLAHBLAHBLAH!!!!!!!

Still, with the designer pool narrowed so far down, things are bound to get more interesting. Should be fun. Who do we want to go home tonight? We fear for Pixar and NerdBen. The judges have yet to praise any of their work.

[Photos: myLifetime.com/sketch.bz - Video: myLifetime.com]

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