PR: Ripping the Collections: Jesse - Part 2

Thurston, Part Deux.

Truly awful, and Amanda's not even trying to hide her displeasure. The top is kind of interesting, even if we think there's a little too much going on, but the skirt is terribly unflattering and that drab fabric doesn't help the look at all.

We like the jacket and we like this shade of green a lot better than what he's been using up till now. We like the idea of a print, but we think this print is ugly. The shorts are a disaster. The proportions are clumsy and it looks badly made. The lace hose and the man shoes? WTF?

This has some style to it. We like it from the front but hate it from the back. Once again, it's a not-very-pretty shade of green and we just can't get behind the man shoes on the runway. A pair of heels would have made this look so much better.

We really love the coat. There are quite a few technical issues, though. It's not as polished as it needs to be for Bryant Park.

Okay, first off, if it rains, she won't be able to stand up for very long. Second, what the hell does this dress have to do with the rest of the collection? Completely incongruous. Third, it's ugly. Fourth, it's badly made.


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