Emore'J Couture: DC's John Galliano?!

Emore’J Couture sure knows how to have a good time and he really knows how to put on a show!

There may be a lot of attitude coming down the runways nowadays, but there’s no attitude whatsoever with this 23-year-old DC designer.

When I sat down to interview Emore’J Couture after the Menswear Collection Show at DC Fashion Week, I had a heart-to-heart talk with a man of deep passion and intense feeling.

Let’s continue to explore the depth of talent and creativity in this young DC designer as he speaks about his personal experiences in the nation’s capital and beyond.

How long have you been showing at the DC Fashion Week?
I have been showing at DC fashion week since I was 17 Years Old. I was actually Ean Williams first “Youngest Designer” of DC Fashion Week.

What is your opinion about DC Fashion Week?
I truly appreciate DC Fashion Week for the services that it provides to let me express myself with no restrictions. As a young student, I never had that so I had to create my own events. I’m truly happy that DC Fashion Week has played an influence in the way I conduct and go about business!

How would you describe the fashion scene in DC?
I would describe the fashion scene for men in DC as openly creative. Men have the option to try so many looks and styles of clothing that is amazing. I enjoy the risk that I see men starting to take.

It’s not common to hear DC described this way…
I think I am looking at it from an urban perspective, and that’s coming from the Black community, because at first it wasn’t like that. In the Black community, it was always hoodies, shirts, and big clothing—oversized clothing—men hiding their bodies.

What do you see happening?
Now in the Black communities, it has definitely changed because men are bolder. The clothing is fitting a little sleeker. They’re going more toward a European type of fit with the clothing, which is excellent. So you’re seeing men playing with colors. You’re seeing the men with their pants more fitted than before and experimenting with dress shoes rather than athletic apparel. So that’s the change that I’m coming from.

How does the DC Black community stand up against LA?
I feel that LA is extremely laid back and is not as fashion forward as DC. I currently reside in DC; however, I frequent LA often conducting business in Fashion Media. I feel that, compared to LA, DC is more cutting edge, very daring, which is a good thing. It’s great to see people trying new looks when it comes down to fashion and being themselves.

How does Emore’J Couture play a role in the DC scene?
I play a role in this scene, because I’m always on a whole other level when it comes to men’s fashion. I normalize what may seem daring, horrific, scandalous, and over the top.

How would you describe your experience as a Black designer?
I think it has been bittersweet. If you may see my work, it is very over the top: my work has a lot of expression and emotion. Sometimes living in the US, it can go over their heads because they don’t get it, they understand it. They don’t look into it deeper—they don’t research.

Do you feel that you would be more accepted elsewhere?
I’ve been told that a lot of people overseas would definitely appreciate my work because they’re more into researching the collection—looking deeper into it, looking at the symbolism that’s going on within my collection. I feel that, in America, they do love me and they appreciate my creativity. But at the same time, it kind of goes over their head because of the symbolism, the meaning, and the purposes.

What does the future hold for Emore’J Couture?
I am moving more into fashion entertainment, such as I have my own show on YouTube—Emore’J Couture TV. I do a lot of event hosting: I interview a lot of up-and-coming artists, designers, models, and producers; I cover a lot of events. So, I am moving more into fashion entertainment because I believe that is what I want to do. I love fashion design, but my heart is really in production as in creating events and creating a whole mood.

Any closing words for the readers around the world who may be aspiring designers?
It’s easy, just do it! I mean who cares, jump into it. Do it; if it’s wrong, do it again! If it’s not right, fix it up and just keep doing it and doing it and doing it. As you go on, if you are smart and wise, eventually it will get better. But there is no other advice than to do it!

For further reading, see my first exclusive interview with Emore’J Couture.

Photo top left, Copyright Shy Magazine.
Photos & slideshow Copyright
DC Fashion Week.