CHICKENSHIT: a New Artistic Medium

Although chicken shit dates back as far as the bird itself, CHICKEN-SHIT as a label was born in 2006.

Strange in name and aggressive in mood—or should I say, aggressive in name and strange in mood—whichever way, CHICKENSHIT specializes in t-shirts that are dedicated to famous fashion designers.

Based in St. Petersburg, Russia, CHICKENSHIT specializes in all areas of art and design, including exhibitions, installations, performances, and parties.

The first collection of clothing was launched in 2008, at which time CHICKENSHIT featured “Favorite Scandinavian Photographers,” such as Knotan—one of the most famous in Sweden—presenting 52 of his photos, as well as a series of designs for clothing.

Directed by two brothers, Alexander and Slava, CHICKENSHIT has recently entered into collaboration with Diana Luganski of Finland.

Finally, CHICKENSHIT is art!

Photo White No. Collection by CHICKENSHIT.
Slideshow Copyright CHICKENSHIT.