Brazilian Model, Lucas Galdino Marques—Taking the High Road

Goiânia, Brazil, is the capital city of the Goiás state, which, unlike any other Brazilian city, was completely planned from the start and is now occupied by 30% planted trees! Located in central Brazil, Goiânia sits high amongst the chapadões, or ‘plateaus’, roughly 749 m (2,457 ft) above sea level. Goiânia boasts an seemingly endless skyline, the first buildings of which were inspired by Art Deco.

Several months ago, I was introduced to a male model from Goiânia, who currently lives and works in Milan, Italy. His name is Lucas Galdino Marques—a tremendous inspiration not only to aspiring models but anyone who wishes to succeed in the menswear business!

Lucas, your interview has greatly encouraged me!

What can you tell me about your upbringing?
I was born in the city of Goiânia of the Goiás state, which is not so known as San Paulo or Rio, but I like it a lot. Since childhood, it’s not like I had many choices in life. I come from a poor family with 2 brothers. I grew with up these two and their friends, who played soccer with them, along with other local girls. At school, it wasn’t that I was so good, but I liked to go and see the girls. Already at the age of 15, I was working to help out at home, because my parents were always working hard to be able to give my brothers and me the best.

What were you doing at 15?
My first job was that of “office boy” for my godmother, who at that time had a hair salon.

How did you begin modeling?
I began in my hometown, Goiânia, where I was attending a country festival that takes place every year. There, I was handed a closed envelope from a modeling agency, requesting me to appear if I were interested in learning more. Anyway, I returned home at 6 in the morning and went to sleep, forgetting all about the letter. When my mother was putting my clothes in the washer, she discovered the envelope that contained the letter and brought me to the agency. From there I began with a few shots and, a week later, I was already doing my first fashion show—and I haven’t stopped since.

What was it that attracted you to modeling?
First, the lack of opportunity in life, in that I had already been dealt a difficult childhood, along with my two brothers… It’s not like my parents were able to do everything for us… So when I had my first opportunity to make money without too much parents didn’t think twice…

How did you know that you could succeed in this business?
Well, I understood fast because it is a job that operates according to image. So it can happen quickly that you get huge publicity, becoming famous and known… To be sincere, I don’t see myself as an attractive young man; I see myself as a strange guy. Nevertheless, my girlfriend always tells me that I’m handsome and, therefore, I’m satisfied because she is “extra hot” (laughter).

I love it! So tell me more about your first jobs…
My first job was in a fashion show for shoes in my hometown. Then I did some editorial shots and publicity stunts. Afterwards, I was already out of Brazil in Paris at barely 16 years old.

And now?
Now I live in Milan with my girlfriend of nine years, who also lives here with me. I didn’t choose Milan for the city itself but rather for a way to work as a model and use Milan as a base, from which I could travel around the world. I’ve been here now for a year and half.

What assignments are you currently working on?
Well, this year I haven’t worked much as a model out of personal choice, because the market has changed significantly in ways that anger me. When something doesn’t sit well with me, I change. Now I have just started representing a line of jeans called Scarlet Rogue. I have never performed this type of work before, but I expect that it will go well for me… (chuckles) I have plans to become a helicopter pilot too!

People often think that the life of a model is all glitter…
Well, many people may think so, but it’s not a job where you just show up and begin to perform. You must have patience with a lot of luck and strength to win. It starts at an early age when we may be still a baby, dealing with people who at times have been in the business for over 10 years!!! It’s not like it is a bad job, but there are highs and lows—more lows than highs.

So, what are some of the lows?
Difficulties that never have to do with the model himself, even though from the start he basically gets used to the max. Then there is that race of folks who rob you of your money, the agencies that don’t pay, and the lack of trade unions that defend the rights of the model rather than those of the agency. In addition, almost everyone commits illegal acts like giving work to a foreigner who doesn’t have working papers and so on. It’s a dirty world full of infamous people that live to make themselves seen, as opposed to people who live proudly just to be alive. I get a bit angered when I have to speak about these things!!! For the hours, though, it’s an easy work because you can earn a lot of money in little time.

Any words for the young men who are contemplating this type of work?
Yeah, find a serious agent that interviews you rather than you giving them money, because you are the model… You are the one who must begin earning and not paying for the work… Keep far away from drugs and try to change that, which doesn’t sit right with you. Everything is possible; it depends on us to make the world better…

Is there anything that can help these young men prepare for this work?
Yeah, I think that the support of your family is essential for you to succeed at traveling and following what may come in the future. It is a job that works with your image; therefore, it is important that you have total family support.

Slide Show Copyright by Scarlet Rogue.
Photo top & lower right by Andy Ong Copyright by Studio Rom.
Photo of Goiânia by Dasneviano Public Domain at Widipedia.