Seattle Student Designer Competition: Lauren Hendrie

Tell me, Lauren, where are you from?
I am originally from Salem, Oregon, where I lived until I was 18.

How early on did your sense a spark for fashion and design?
I’ve always loved the creative process behind design. Design of any kind, whether it be drawing, painting, or apparel design. I first started painting when I was 9. About the same time, I started making felt clothing for my dolls. I have always been interested in taking a risk when it comes to my sense of fashion and several years ago I started translating that from the way I dressed myself into the way I design clothing.

Brava! I like risk-takers! So when did you actually come up with a full-fledged design?
I first started actually designing about a year and a half ago. I realized I had found a way to combine my passion for creating things with my more analytical side by coming up with a design and actually being able to turn that imagined idea into reality.

Is there something that drives your creativity?
My main inspirations for my past designs have stemmed strongly from the 1950's silhouette-meets-geometry class. I love the strong lines and interesting shapes that can be stolen from geometric shape and translated into a garment.

So who is your favorite designer?
My favorite designer at the moment is classic Dior circa the New Look of 1947.

And your favorite look?
I am loving the boyish essentials of the 1940's mixed with frills, gathers, and ultra feminine trims. But that is today; tomorrow it will likely be something else completely. My ‘favorite look’ is changing constantly.

I love about a certain period in the past...what attracts you?
I have always been most attracted to the 1950's, the regeneration of fashion following the war. The silhouette that enhances a woman’s natural beauty; it’s so simple, but so lovely.

You strike me as having some formal training...
I am currently enrolled in the Apparel Design Major at Seattle Pacific, as well as being a Merchandising Major.

What is your dream as a fashion designer?
Ideally I would love to be working for one of the great fashion houses. Who wouldn’t?

Many of my readers are interested in green fashion or ethical fashion...
I think it is terrific. It is keeping the world a cleaner, safer, fairer place for all people to live and work. I find it very refreshing when designers utilize eco-fashion in their design concepts.

Okay, a little provocation here. Can Seattle keep pace with other Mecca’s of fashion like New York?
Seattle has a fashion scene all its own. Each neighborhood you walk into will elicit a completely different vibe. I live in a pretty down to earth yet fashion savvy neighborhood. People like to be stylish and look terrific, but individual style definitely has to be distinctive and unique to truly educe a fashion-conscious Seattle style.

Any closing words for the students of LIM College in Manhattan who are reading?
Fashion reaches far beyond the grasps of the city that it is being designed in. The world is at our fingertips every moment of everyday. Grasp what inspires you most about fashion or your personal style and run with it.

Photo Lauren Henrie (center), model Carly Holtzinger (left), model Andrea VanLaar (right).