Where are you from, Rebecca?
How does the Seattle fashion scene compare to New York?
Seattle's fashion scene will never keep pace with places like New York. However, I do feel that there is an abundance of fashion and fashionable people here; they're just fashionable in an understated way. Subtlety can go a long way when every 8th person cares about fashion. Whereas in New York, everyone's trying to get noticed, so nobody stands out.
Students of fashion at LIM College in New York will be reading this article. Do you have any words for them?
I was born and grew up in Vancouver, WA, (not Canada, mind you).
And what drew you to fashion?
My mom taught me to sew when I was very young. I started out creating outfits for my Barbies, which led to pj bottoms for friends, and eventually to making most of my own wardrobe. So I guess you could say it started out as a hobby and ended up being my passion.
How did you discover your talent?
I literally began by creating items of clothing to go with my Barbie's outfits. However, my first real experience selling items that I designed and created was about 5 years ago when I was a sophomore at the University of Washington. I created a poncho/shawl for a friend of mine and then ended up selling them in 7 boutiques from Bellingham, WA to Portland, OR. It was a crazy whirl-wind experience, but I will never forget the feeling of people truly being interested in what I had created.
Very impressive! So, what inspires your creations?
And what drew you to fashion?
My mom taught me to sew when I was very young. I started out creating outfits for my Barbies, which led to pj bottoms for friends, and eventually to making most of my own wardrobe. So I guess you could say it started out as a hobby and ended up being my passion.
How did you discover your talent?
I literally began by creating items of clothing to go with my Barbie's outfits. However, my first real experience selling items that I designed and created was about 5 years ago when I was a sophomore at the University of Washington. I created a poncho/shawl for a friend of mine and then ended up selling them in 7 boutiques from Bellingham, WA to Portland, OR. It was a crazy whirl-wind experience, but I will never forget the feeling of people truly being interested in what I had created.
Very impressive! So, what inspires your creations?
I end up basing a lot of my designs on a particular color or fabric, so I would say that color and texture are huge inspirations for me. Also, I like entering random words in ffffound.com or flicker to see where it takes me and what will spark an idea.
Good tip. Do you have a favorite designer?
Good tip. Do you have a favorite designer?
Right now I love the simplistic elegance of Ralph Lauren, and the geometric shapes and patterns of Tory Burch.
How about a favorite look?
How about a favorite look?
I love separates and the endless ways you can layer clothing. I'm always amazed at what people have on under their North Face coats here in Seattle.
Is there a period in history that influences your designs?
Is there a period in history that influences your designs?
18th century wealth is really interesting to me right now. Women who rode side-saddle and embroidered to pass the day, yet had the most beautiful, luxurious and detailed garments...just to sit around in. The 1970's were generally pretty amazing too.
The green jacket from the fashion show was slightly inspired by 18th century fashion (i.e., covered buttons and a voluminous collar).
As a prerequisite to the competition, you must be in a fashion program...
As a prerequisite to the competition, you must be in a fashion program...
I am currently attending Seattle Central Community College. Prior to this program my only schooling was self-taught and also from my mom.
Where do you think your talent will take you?
Where do you think your talent will take you?
I am absolutely unsure at this point. I know I want to influence people. In what way or on what level, I don't really care.
Could you say a few words to those who work in the green apparel industry?
Could you say a few words to those who work in the green apparel industry?
I think it's great people are putting the effort into green fashion. It's not something I care to devote time to, but it's awesome that it even exists.
Do you support ethical fashion?
I'm assuming that means leather and fur? I would never wear fur but a lot of my shoes have some leather on them. Again, I'm glad that there are people who care about it and are trying to make a difference. I, however, am indifferent.
How can such trends become more accessible to the general public?
Eco-sustainable clothing? It will never work if places like Forever 21 and Target exist. Cheap clothing that you can update your wardrobe with multiple times a season? It will always win.
Seattle's fashion scene will never keep pace with places like New York. However, I do feel that there is an abundance of fashion and fashionable people here; they're just fashionable in an understated way. Subtlety can go a long way when every 8th person cares about fashion. Whereas in New York, everyone's trying to get noticed, so nobody stands out.
Students of fashion at LIM College in New York will be reading this article. Do you have any words for them?
If they're neck-deep in their Final Lines like I am, I would say, "Good Luck".