Turkish Anyone?

You've probably begun to figure out from my play list that I share a deep appreciation of everything Balkan: the people, the music, the cuisine, the history, and--yes--the rakia. I lived and worked in the region for many years, and I speak several languages fluently, such as Bulgarian.

It's no coincidence that these countries share so much in common with their southern neighbor, Turkey, which ruled the Balkans for up to four centuries during the Ottoman Empire. Now, many of these countries have become members or candidates of the European Union.

I met Metin Öztürk several years ago for the first time at his headquarters formerly called RCR Touch'n Feel and located in Merter, one of Istanbul's three major fashion districts.

When I walked into the showroom, I immediately felt a close affiinity with the feel of the collection. Although Made in Turkey can mean just about anything, Metin explained to me that derives much of his inspiration from Italian fashion and designers.

He designs his collection in such a way that you really do want to touch'n feel. As you can see by the photo, the look is refined yet very virile. Priced medium to high and of a very good quality, RCR was one of the collections that I featured in my showroom in Italy.

Turkish anyone?

Photo copyright by RCR Modus Vivendi.