Here she is having her brief moment of rage looking particularly armored up, from hair to (battle) suit, a unified wall of anger. The creams and soft blues serve to perfectly tie her to her surroundings.
And check out the old-school glass Hellman's jar on the counter with the stack of white bread. Obviously, a hastily put-together lunch was just shoved at those poor kids.

Anyway, if we HAD done some male character Mad Styles, then you probably would remember everything we showed you about Don and Roger's current looks and can easily spot the differences here. It's the '50s, so collars and lapels and shoulders are much more prominent. As we said once before with Roger, he's almost certainly been going to the same tailor having the same suit made most of his life. Probably the same tailor his father used. 1965 Roger favors vests and more tailored jackets than this and he also favors pin collars, but the basic bones of the Roger Sterling look are here. Don's the one who's changed the most. Given the timeline, he's newly married to Betty and possibly even a new father at this point, a far cry from the cynical, closed off, philandering successful ad man he would become. We've never seen Don in a double-breasted suit, as here. The ties are a little more colorful and wider than the 1960s version and note that in the first scene, he's wearing a colored shirt, something we've never seen on later Don. Also of note, and a good bit of character-based costuming, he's wearing the same suit in the first and third scenes. Of course Don the fur salesman doesn't have that many suits to choose from. Incidentally, we love the color of that suit, that perfect '50s brown with a hint of mauve in it.
And check out Betty modeling the fur that would later become hers. Don wound up giving that fur to her as a way of earning a date and she fondly told the story years later. How ironic is that tagline considering Betty did exactly the opposite of what it's suggesting? Check out her lacquered '50s Dippity-Do hair.

Why did flip 'dos never really come back? Too much work?

What's also of interest is that he's reading the April 1965 edition of Playboy:

Love her curly, sexy, we'll-say-it-again: Marilynesque hair. Now do you understand why Joan was crying the day Marilyn died? There was a time when she obviously took her cues from her, as a lot of Joan types did back in the day.
Still, for all the fun it was getting to see Joan dolled up in her 1955 best, what was most illuminating is just how different Joan was before she got cynical. The cooing, giggling flirting bombshell is a far cry from the efficient and sometimes even cold experienced woman of later years.

It's also notable that, like her dark blue dress with the ruffled collar, she's finding ways to make '60s elements work on her '50s body. Gone are the scarves and scarf-like treatments here, in favor of a softly gathered jewel neckline that flatters her. She's obviously settled on saturated hues for her mid-sixties looks and this hot floral pink looks great with her bright orange bouffant.
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com - Photo Credit: amctv.com/originals/madmen/moviemags.com]
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