During my exploration, I discovered the amazing fashion sense of the ancient Nuraghic men, who lived thousands of years ago, dwelling in honeycomb structures and sporting—what we would consider today—very avant-garde styles.
Tunisia is a country in North Africa, which is situated just 95 miles (155km) from the coast of Sicily, Italy.
(One of my favorite Tunisians, by the way, is Oussama Mellouli—gold medalist in the 1500m free at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing.)
Some scholars attribute the name Tunis to the ancient Phoenician goddess, Tanit, although there exists an array of explanations.
While researching the culture and dress of the ancient Phoenicians and Carthaginians, I hope to meet up with modern Tunisian designer Salah Barka, with whom I have been corresponding.
Photo Oussama Mellouli, GNU Free Documentation License at Wikipedia.
Photos Nuraghic figures & sketches, Copyright Angela Demontis 2005, used with permission.
Remaining photos of Phoenician and Nuraghic sites, Copyright Men’s Fashion by Francesco.