Okay, before the calls for a beheading begin, the tagline is a joke.
Of the crop of '90s supermodels, we always felt Cindy was the least interesting. Even Claudia (for whom we have not a lot of love) tended to rate higher in our imaginary rankings. Cindy is beautiful of course, but she's beautiful in a very conventional, movie star kind of way. She never had the charisma of, say, Naomi or Linda or Christy; never really demonstrated the kind of runway presence and ability to work an outfit like them. What she was - and still is - was someone who simply looked really good on-camera. And while she's mostly retired at this point, she managed to break out her stilettos and push-up bra and vamp it up for the Fall/Winter campaign for Moscow department store TSUM, photographed by Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. Check it:

[Photo Credit: thefashionspot.com/tsum.ru - Video: YouTube/georgemichaelVEVO]
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