Everyone's favorite knitter finally had her day in the sun. Season 6 designer Gordana Gehlhausen is featured in the latest issue of VOGUEknitting and you can read the article here.

We'll toss some interview tidbits your way, but first, the most important part:
"Although Gehlhausen never got the chance to showcase her knit- and crochetwear on the show, her needlework generated buzz after two of her knitted dresses (shown with Gehlhausen above and at right) were featured on the popular fashion blog Tom & Lorenzo. Demands for the dress patterns lit up the Web."
And now, Gordana acts all cute and gets everyone to love her:
"What inspired you to start knitting and crocheting?
When I was 7 years old, I was fascinated by what my aunt was doing with a crochet hook. I was too shy to ask for lessons, so I found a hook and some yarn and started playing with it. When I had finished my first project, a sweater, my mom was amazed. “Who taught you?” she asked. “Nobody,” I said: I just watched and then did. After that, the other kids would be outside playing, but I was always busy finding more yarn so I could crochet or knit. I truly believe that we all have our strengths; for me, understanding how to work with thread and yarn and hook and needles came naturally. In a past life, I probably was the seamstress for a queen. [Laughs]"
"Whom do you design for? What inspires you?
My goal is to create youthful yet elegant designs that both a mother and a daughter can wear, and a store where they can shop together. I apply this to my knits as well. To me, a woman who knits is smart. She wants to broaden her horizons. Having a hobby that allows you to apply your intellect and produce something you are proud of keeps you younger and fresher. My inspiration comes from anything and everything. Look at the spines of these magazines, for instance [she points to a collection of Vogue Knitting magazines]. I see the white and lavender and light blue and think, “Wow, what cool color combinations.” Inspiration can start from something very simple and unexpected and then just explode."
Go and read the whole thing. She's fabulous and we're so happy that we and our community of occasionally not-so-bitter kittens were able to have an impact on her career. Congrats, Gordana! The TLo-teers love ya!
[Photos: Courtesy of Gordana Gehlhausen]
Labels: Gordana Gehlhausen, Magazine Cover/Editorial, Project Runway, Project Runway Season 6, VOGUEknitting
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