Man on the Street: Fernando Torres

Kissy face.

Footballer Fernando Torres arrives in London.

We applaud the layering, which is surprisingly well done. And he looks pretty good, all things considered. We challenge anyone to get off a plane looking chic and fresh as a daisy. But we had an ulterior motive for posting this, aside from the obvious motive of simply wanting to look at a cute boy. We're going to do a stealth YEA or NAY on this one. You see, during our editorial meeting, we were debating whether this was an interesting enough look to discuss, when we both admitted something that neither of us really knew about the other: we can't stand denim jackets.

Now before you get all up in our faces like the time Lorenzo admitted he hates pea coats, do NOT take this as some sort of dictum. Although to be fair, Lorenzo did slip in that he thinks they're kind of a cliche and Tom responded that they go in and out of style all the time so they're closer to "classic" than "cliche." But really, it's just that neither of us have ever been able to pull off the look. Lorenzo doesn't really do casual, at least not in the denim jacket sense, and Tom looks like Jethro every time he tries one on.

So we put the following questions to you, our beloved minions:

Denim jackets: classic or cliche?
Can you pull it off?
Does footballer Fernando Torres make your pants move?


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[Photo Credit: getty]
