T LOunge

First T LOunge of the new year, bitches!

Gitane Bar and Restaurant in San Francisco, CA

Darlings, let's extend the holidays just a tiny bit longer and party our asses off one more time. Not that we really did any ass-removing partying over the holidays ourselves, but we hear it's all the rage amongst the youth.

Okay, segueing from that, we are in a tiff over the un-decking of the halls Chez T Lo. Tom is one of those "take them down early" types. "I want my surfaces back!" he wails, when faced with yet another day of candles and pinecones and snowglobes getting in his way. Lorenzo thinks Tom needs to calm the hell down and besides, we just dragged those boxes back to the basement 3 weeks ago and why the hell should we be dragging them out again so soon?

Very weighty discussions around here when we're not discussing reality television and hem lines, as you can see. Segueing from THAT...

Sparkly precious angels Rachel Zoe and Johnny Weir show up tonight on The Fashion Show to do their parts to make everyone else in the room feel fat and masculine.


Iman unveils her supervillain lair to the terrified designers and forces her tiny little henchman to torture them.

Sequeing from THAT...

Lizard bitches on V, tonight at 9/8c on ABC.

V Season 2 Preview:

Don't get your hopes up TOO high on this one, kittens. There are some good parts and some positive tweaks, but we're not entirely sure the show's working any better than it was. We'll have more to say about that tomorrow.

[Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman, bravotv.com, gitanerestaurant.com,
tv.ign.com - Video Credit: bravotv.com, abc.go.com]