Nicolas Felizola—Men’s Style Award, Miami

Currently based in Miami, Florida of the US, haut couture fashion designer Nioclas Felizola was born 1965 in Caracas, Venezuela.

In addition to fashion design, Nicolas is attorney at law, painter, and photographer—a modern-day Latino renaissance man!

Nicolas’ menswear style is unique and anything but boring, yet conservative enough to be worn by the classic jetsetter.

Drawing inspiration from the 50’s, Latin countries, and Latino emotions like passion, Nicolas has won assorted awards in the course of his 15-year fashion career.

Last year at the Miami Beach International Fashion Week, Venezuelan designer Nicolas Felizola swept the Men’s Style Award.

Maybe this year will be you?! Time to sign up now!

Check out Nicolas Felizola’s winning collection here.

Photos Copyright Miami Beach International Fashion Week.