Man on the Street: Jude Law

Droopy drawers.

Jude Law and Sienna Miller return from Kenya
after celebrating New Year's Eve together.

Darlings, let's not call this an IN or OUT. We have pretty strict rules about our IN or OUT posts, namely that they be red carpet or press events and that the person under the microscope must be wearing something that was more than likely picked out for them and loaned to them. That's what allows us to be so vicious; because major money is on the line every time a starlet puts her Louboutins down on a red carpet.

The problem is we never really get a chance to talk about the boys, which means we're constantly ragging on female stars and giving the impression that we're giving male stars a free pass. Men on the red carpet are BORING. There's only so much you can say about a suit or tuxedo. Male stars on the street, however, never fail to bring the crack, which means they're ripe for our bitchery. Hence: Man on the Street, which will be a new ongoing feature here. Some stars actually do use stylists for every single outfit they wear in public, but we have no way of knowing when that's the case, so we're going to lay the blame (or praise) solely at the feet of the star himself.

Saggybottoms here is taking a page from the Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2010 collection:

Dolce & Gabbana Fall 2010 Collection

Believe it or not, we kind of appreciate what he's doing here. It's always nice to see a straight man who's really into fashion and willing to take some risks. Yeah, they're pretty much long johns worn in public. We're not denying that. Still, we can't help thinking that he looks a little chic. Sue us. We'd never wear something like that in public and we sure as hell wouldn't advise anyone to do so, but he's an international movie star and the rules are always different for those particular creatures. Mere mortals could try and go out in a pair of saggy sweatpants tucked into undone boots, but rather than praise, you'll more than likely receive some change from kindhearted passersby. In short, Jude Law can get away with this. You can't.

[Photo: getty]

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