TFS S2E5: House of Nami

So very far behind, poodles.

We have no real complaints about this show, but it's telling to us that when we fell behind on recapping it because of holiday and sickie-poo concerns, not one person asked us when we were going to get back to it. It seems the viewers aren't very invested in it. Are we reading that right?

Then again, it could have been at least partially attributed to viewers getting turned off by the blatant Bravo cross-promotion. The Housewives are a popular franchise, but it seems they didn't set the viewers of this show on fire. Again, are we reading that right?

Anyway, let's look at tacky bitches wearing shitty dresses.


Here go tacky come. We can't really say anything good about this dress. Tacky, cheap, and dated. Considering the person it was designed for, he pretty much nailed it. In fact, it's odd that these two didn't get along better, what with all they have in common. Then again, attention whores don't share well, do they? Strangely, she came off pretty low-key in comparison to Calvin's Tasmanian Devil approach to things.


Oh, whatever. For some reason, they're really trying to wring some drama out of David; which is odd, because he's the blandest person in the cast. He gets points for course-correcting away from that horrible "Peter Pan, mafia wife" dress he started off with, but let's not get carried away, judges. It was still a shitty dress. It was just a less shitty dress than the first one.


We don't know what the hell she was getting all weepy about. It isn't a great dress, but a quick scan of the room would have told her she was in no danger of going home. We think she was really crying over the revelation that the love of her life turned out to be a big pussy. Anyway, the dress is kind of heavy and wench-y, but she's got an innate eye for detail, it seems, and we like the little strips of alternate blues as well as the somewhat simple belt-sash. For all her sometimes-annoying "Dear Diary, you'll never guess...!" kind of teen-girl drama, she's one of the stronger competitors. She'd be a lot easier for us to root for if she realized that.


This thing was no great shakes and we're puzzled why the judges gushed over it. Granted, we can't think of a more deserving dress among the lot, but "best of a bad batch" deserves a little Iman-style super-villainy, wouldn't you say? As we mentioned the next morning, the only part of this that is even remotely interesting is the bodice, which is well-fitted and executed. The skirt and the flounce are boring and silly, respectively. Plus, we're getting a little impatient with the judges. They keep mentioning his tendency to make only one style of garment each week and yet they haven't seen fit to "punish" him for it. Let's not reward blandness, judges.

[Photo Credit: Heidi Gutman, - Screencaps:]

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