PR: Gretchen Loses the Plot

We don't care if you're sick of cray cray. This shit's cray cray.

Gretchen couldn't decide if she wanted to be in the thick of things or out by the margins doing her own thing. She kindasorta co-signed Ivy's accusation, mildly backing her up under Tim's questioning, but then she turned around and did this whole "I'm reaching out and we're healing together" touchy-feely thing with Michael. Maybe she saw the writing on the wall and realized Ivy was coming off a like a deranged little rage pixie. Whatever the reason, she backed off.

If only she'd backed off from these designs.

Y'know, more and more it's looking like there's a hair's breadth of a difference between Christopher's middle-of-the-road fashion and Gretchen's. He went for the depressed girl look with this challenge and she went for full on psychiatric patient.

And remember, the judges all think she's got great styling instincts.
Full on psychiatric patient who's also an aerobics instructor.

Seriously, the half-shirt, Gretchen? Were you in the middle of designing this when you realized "Oh, shit. If I've been coming off half as bitchy as Ivy, I better do some damage control?"

And then when you got back to it, it was too late to do anything so you just threw a Pipershit necklace at her? Is that it?

WHAT IS GOING ON WITH THOSE PANTS? Why does she always put these little flaps or yokes around the crotch and the butt? Is she really that prissy about her ladyparts?

Because, seriously. Who submits this in a design competition? There's no design here. These are the kinds of clothes you buy out of bins with hand-lettered, misspelled signs with lots of inappropriate apostrophes ("PANT'S for TWO DOLLAR'S").

And these are the kinds of clothes you lovingly pick out of the gutter after having been run over by several hundred cars and picked apart by wild animals.

We wanted so much to hear the judges ask the one question that springs to mind: Who the fuck is wearing this and where the fuck is she going?" Can't you just hear Nina asking that? They must have edited it out.

We're thinking "Post-Viral Apocalypse Prostitute."

Make that "CRAZY Post-Viral Apocalypse Prostitute."

"CRAZY Post-Viral Apocalypse Prostitute who's been attacked by mutant feral CATS."

It's a look.

We'll give her credit for one thing (aside from her sort-of apology to Michael, which struck us as a little calculating): she seemed to know she was too far outside her comfort zone to have a chance at winning this one and was quite open and respectful of all the judges' critiques. Okay, no. Strike that last point.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

[Screencaps: - Video Credit: - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/]

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