Auf Wiedersehen!


Oh, Peach. You posed quite a dilemma for us. We knew - as we suspect part of you did - that even on your best day, even with the most perfectly executed garment in your considerable wheelhouse, the judges were not likely to give you a win or push you along to the finals. Your country club aesthetic was never really going to wow them.

So instead you decided to have some fun and provide some entertainment and bring some joy into that work room. Do you know how hard that made it for us to critique your garments? Especially after you made it known that you were nothing less than a T Lo minion; a kitten, if you will?

Well, kitten...
You done puked up a hairball.

Yes Peach, we luvya, but we can't in good conscience defend anything about this dress.

She made a point of picking this dress because of the color and then, perhaps realizing that her taste in color wasn't the same as the people judging her, complained a lot about the horrible color.

The thing is, it's not a great color but it IS a relatively easy color to work with, at least in comparison to the eye-searing pinks and blues on that runway.

The real problem was the fabric that she chose to purchase. It's not a horrible fabric but one glance should have confirmed that it wasn't going to accentuate that green or mitigate that green, it was only going to "go with" that green, and that was her first big mistake.

The second, much bigger mistake, was how she chose to use it.

The back of that top is unnecessarily frilly - a frilly racerback, kittens - and not at all flattering to this girl.

And then there's that weird dinner napkin thingy. Seriously, she said the word "peplum" and Tim rightfully groaned out loud. Why didn't she listen?

If she sent the exact same look down the runway without the ruffly peplum detail, she probably would have skated right through.

As it is, the dress simply had so many bad things going on and so few good things that the judges practically had no choice in the matter. You could argue that Michael D's was worse and we're not prepared to argue otherwise, but for us, this was the one that needed to go.

But Mega-kudos to you, girl because you went out beloved by your fellow designers and as far as we can tell, beloved by the majority of viewers.

Even more important, you went out with class and with dignity. In short,

You showed the world EXACTLY how a T Lo Bitter Kitten is supposed to act. You made us proud, girl. You better run up to us next week and give us a big hug when you see us. Otherwise we'll write bad things about you.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

Under the Gunn:

[Screencaps: - Video Credit: - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/]

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