PR: Mondo and Valerie

The Shouldabins.

Mondo isn't at all what we expected. Sometimes our prejudging is off the mark, kittens. It's sad, but true: we're fallible. Let's keep that to ourselves, shall we?

Model: Eyen

What an adorable and stylish outfit. Knocked it out of the park, we'd say.

We'll get the one and only criticism out of the way: that ruffle thing. We don't think the outfit really needed it and in fact, it's a little distracting.

Aside from that, it's all good, from the hairstyle...

...right down to the choice of shoe. And we love that little houndstooth detail at the bottom, tying the tights in with the skirt.

And speaking of that skirt, it may just be one of our favorite skirts ever made during the competition. It couldn't have been easy to make a fairly heavy tweed look so swing-y and light and flirty. Of course, not every woman is going to embrace that flared waist, but we think it looks fabulous on the model.

And it's worth noting that this look not only demonstrates some major design chops; it also demonstrates he's got killer style instincts. The shoes and the clutch are perfect and the hair and makeup suit the look. In fact, when he mentioned Mary Tyler Moore, we immediately got it. That ability to start from an inspiration point and take it all the way to the end, from design to styling, that's a gift.

So yeah, we kinda thought Mondo would be more of a cracktastic conceptual designer, but apparently he's got a gift for cute stylish girly clothes. We also thought he'd be a hoot and a half in the workroom...

...but it looks like we were wrong on that one as well. Oh, crying shy boy. You're ripping out our hearts here. C'mere. We'll give you the hug you deser--

"I feel like this gift and talent is a curse to me sometimes."

Bitch, please.

Still, a job very well done. It would have looked great on a billboard.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

Model: Tina Marie
YAY! As we mentioned once before, we met Valerie briefly before she got the confirmation that she was going to be on the show and having seen her work up close, we knew she'd wow the judges eventually. So happy to see it happen so soon.

If you checked out her portfolio, you know that this sort of elaborate seaming and layering is definitely a big part of her aesthetic.

What we love about this technique is that it produces a garment that's fairly typical in terms of proportion and silhouette, but totally fresh in the details.

J'ADORE that collar.

Our only quibble (because you knew we'd have at least one)...

A little bit of pucker going on. She's obviously a master seamstress, so we hope going forward that she marries this technique with the time constraints so that the finished work can be flawless.

That's the thing about utilizing seaming and pleating for effect: it has to be flawless because you're essentially pointing an arrow at it. To be fair, the work is very, very good. It's just not perfect.

We have to say, though, as much as we love this dress, it wouldn't have worked quite so well on a billboard. All those details would have been lost.

Still, we're thrilled for our perky girl and we're happy to see she's established herself as a contender so early. Now, Val? Get out there and slap that smug look off Gretchen's face next week. America is counting on you.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

[Screencaps: - Video Credit: - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/]

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