PR: Auf Wiedersehen, Part Zwei

Tears on the runway!

Awwww, poor little queen. We felt bad for him but whenever anyone says something like, "I woke up this morning and I couldn't believe it! I'm on Project Runway!" Honeys, you just know you're gonna be seeing that person's back by the end of the episode.

Model: Julia

We don't mind that they did a double elimination last night. We would have preferred one last week when there was even more ass on the runway than there was this week, but that's just us. The occasional double elimination keeps the little bitches on their toes.

The thing is...

This would not have been our choice for the 2nd auf. We would have sent Peach packing.

We'll get to hers in a later post, but the upshot is, when you're choosing to send someone home and you've narrowed down your choices to the one who overdesigned his look and the one who underdesigned hers, common sense would dictate that you eliminate the latter. This is a design competition, after all.

Let's break it down:

First: color. Three pieces and they're all shades of purple. That's a no.

Second: the cape. Big and shapeless and uninteresting, not to mention it felt kind of incongruous with the rest of the outfit which looked like high end business wear.

We liked the blouse quite a bit. From the front.

The back, on the other hand, was a disaster.

Oh, and Gretchen? Shut up. You didn't invent backless dresses.

We also liked the skirt quite a bit, until we got to that totally unnecessary asymmetrical hem. A straight hem would have taken this skirt from weird to fabulous. It fits her pretty well (although there's some pulling), and we really like the seaming and the sash.

And finally there's the picture, which looked awkward. The reason it looked awkward was because he had so many conflicting elements that his poor model had to contort herself in an attempt to make them look good.

We felt bad for the guy; we really did. It would have been an auf-able look further down the road when the competition gets tighter, but we really didn't think it deserved the auf when put up against some of the others this week. Not just Peach and Jason, but a couple of the middle pieces.

Poor guy. He was so thrilled to be there. But kittens, them's the breaks in the hard world of reality television.

Tim Gunn's Workroom:

Extended Judging:

Under the Gunn:

[Screencaps: - Video Credit: - Photo Credit: Barbara Nitke/]

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