Okay, we give up.
Not on the show, we're too close to the end to stop watching now. No, we're giving up on trying to figure anything out. It seems toward the end of the story
Quickie recap: Mark and Kat enter the town and recognize the Shanghai Palace from the picture of Janet they found in the ambassador's office. They hide out in one of the store fronts and watch a batallion of the blue jumpsuit guys sweep in town and ... well, do a lot of nothing. They run around and there are body bags and gurneys. It's all very confusing. Meanwhile, the abductees are all locked in the hotel. Mr. Ulrich introduces himself and lets everyone know that he knows Joe. Joe reveals he thought he killed him a long time ago. All the abductees get presents from the management as well as 24 hour room service. All of their presents reveal secrets about each abductee's past and reveal that "the management" has been watching all of them very closely, all their lives. The blue jumpsuit guys leave town
We're heading straight to bullets on this one because paragraph format isn't going to work.
* Okay, so...there are two towns? Because how can all that action be happening from Mark and Kat's point of view and not be happening from the abductees' point of view? The big action chase out of town happened AFTER the abductees woke up and were looking out the windows. Douchey Bill said he'd gone jogging. Yet no one mentioned any blue jumpsuit guys even though several scenes showed them all over the town. We theorized there was a second town when they abductees all tried to drive out and wound up back where they started, but this looks like real proof. And if there's more than one town, how many are there in total?
* Kat: maybe w
* Janet: they're quickly turning her into Kate Austin, a character that isn't as fascinating to the audience as the writers and characters think. So now we're supposed to believe that both Joe and Liam are madly in love with her? Even though she has no time for either of them? And frankly, if we were Erika (pardon us, "Theresa") we would have told Janet to make her damn mind up and stop chumming up to her and then hitting her when she disagrees with her.
* Joe: Asked Liam if they were "flushing the town." So what does that entail? Who were all the people in the body bags? What was their purpose? If there are two towns, were the abductees knocked out and moved to another town and that's what all that activity was? Or were Mark and Kat in another town the whole time? Confusing. The woman's picture found in his Bible? Not fascinating. Couldn't care less about Joe's inability to connect with women.
Moira: Well, we finally got her secret. She killed both her parents. It makes her judgmentalism toward Graham for killing come off a little hypocritical.
Charlie and Bill: There's something a little creepy going on in their relationship. "Join me for breakfast?" "I'd like that. I'd like that very much." In fact, Bill has made a complete 180 in terms of personality. None of the other abductees are showing the slightest signs of brainwashing, but then again, Bill was always the most weak-willed among them.
Janet: Gets a tearful call out of nowhere from her mother. If we hadn't seen her onscreen with our own eyes, we would have assumed, like Janet did, that it was fake. Of course, seeing it with our own eyes doesn't eliminate the possibility that it was faked, but it does make it seem less likely. What are their plans for Janet? Honestly? Don't care. She's not as fascinating as they think.
We're not totally over the show. We still care how it ends and we still want answers, but it's getting to the point where it's a bit of a slog week in and week out and we just want to hit the finish line.
And it feels like NBC has realized it's a slog too, because not only are we hosting this last episode on the blog, like we do with every episode, but we're also hosting episode 11, which is web-only. You heard us. The 11th episode of the show is not airing on TV and you have to catch it online. This Saturday they'll air the finale but if you want to know what's going on, you'll have to watch the web-only epi. We haven't even had a chance to watch it yet. We'll have a post up before Saturday running down the events of that episode. For the purposes of this post, we're gonna ask those who have seen episode 11 to restrict their comments for those who haven't seen it yet.
Episode 10 - "Identity"
Episode 11 - "Seven Sacrifices"
[Screencaps: projectrungay.blogspot.com - Video Credit: hulu.com]
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