
Hardest working woman in the fashion biz.

It's Thursday, which it means it's Project Runway day, which means we really should get cracking on a Nina Garcia post because we haven't checked in on her doings in a while. And she's been doing a lot.

First, if you're not checking out her daily tweets @FashionNinaG, shame on you. Get on that right away or no one will think you're fashionable.

Second, if you haven't bought her new book, Nina Garcia's Look Book, What to Wear for Every Occasion (with a FABULOUS version of Nina on the cover by Ruben Toledo), get down on your knees and pray for God's forgiveness, then immediately buy it. Otherwise you will be doomed to a life of being clumsy and un-stylish. And kittens, we love you too much to want that to happen to you.

Also, if you haven't read this New York Times interview with her, then you're simply not up on the changing roles of fashion editors in modern times and darling, how will you ever have a conversation at a cocktail party again? You simply must drop everything immediately and read this right now:

"It’s a complicated time for the grandes dames atop the mastheads of fashion magazines. They face an advertising base shaken by a lingering recession, and the rise of bloggers and Web-savvy fashionistas — some of whom were in Underoos the last time harem pants were in style — who are eating away at the once-uncontested influence of magazine editors to shape trends.

But Ms. Garcia has managed to sidestep the existential crisis facing her contemporaries by transforming herself into a Lanvin-bedecked populist style guru. In addition to translating the doctrines of Seventh Avenue from her perch at Marie Claire (where she landed after a rather public split from Elle), Ms. Garcia stars in makeover videos on Target’s Web site and continues to be a judge on “Project Runway,” now in its eighth season.

“The fashion editor as it used to be has changed,” Ms. Garcia said, over lunch in the cafeteria at the Hearst Tower on West 57th Street, where Marie Claire is published. She wore a black silk tunic top by Michael Kors (a fellow judge) and a Zara skirt that barely hid her bulge from being six months pregnant. “Now you have to wear many hats, and whoever tells you differently is wrong. Now you’re on TV, whether you want it or not.”

And finally, if you haven't availed yourself of Nina's fine work as a style expert for Target, then you must set aside time this very day to do so, otherwise you will have no idea what the Top Five Fall Trends are and then won't you be mortified when it comes up in conversation and you're stuck with nothing to say?

So great is Nina's compassion and commitment to style, that she will even stop total strangers in the middle of their shopping in order to spread the Good News:

So be prepared, minions! Do your research because at any moment Nina could pop out from behind a display of Swiffer Wet Jets just to tell you what you're doing wrong. Don't let that happen! Could you imagine? How humiliating!

[Photo Credit: - Video:]

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