Material Girl Launch at Macy's


Material Girl, the clothing line for teen girls with credit cards, designed by Madonna and her daughter Madonna, Jr. (Lourdes), was launched yesterday at Macy's Herald Square in New York City (the line is also available online).

Press release? Don't mind if we do!

"A fast-fashion juniors collection, “Material Girl” will span multiple categories including apparel, footwear, handbags and jewelry. The brand is designed to appeal to today’s Material Girl – a spontaneous and fearless individual who invents her own fashion trends and is never afraid to make a bold statement. The brand caters to her eclectic taste in music, dance and Hollywood. Designed for affordability and replenishment, the collection will retail from $12.00 to $40.00, comparative with pricing strategies at juniors specialty stores."

Exciting! "Fast-fashion!" Let's all stare at some mannequins, okay?

Except for a few pieces, most of this qualifies as a good example of the right way to rip off the '80s. It's not surprising that Madge would know which parts were worth repeating. Not that we think she sat down with a sketch pad and designed the whole thing herself, but we doubt we're going out on a limb by suggesting that she had final approval on all the designs. After all, they're not just ripping off the '80s; they're lifting from Madonna's own personal and professional history.

It's kind of hard to tell from the pictures, but chances are, given the demographic to which they're appealing and the price point at which they're selling, these are all mostly low-quality, disposable clothes. Still an under-20 gal could do a lot worse in terms of building out her wardrobe. There are more than a few really cute, pairable pieces here.

[Photo Credit:]

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