Irina Shabayeva in VOGUEknitting

Just in case you haven't reached your Project Runway limit for the day.

The preview for the VOGUEknitting Fall 2010 edition features knitwear designs from Project Runway Season 6 winner Irina Shabayeva. Long time minions will remember that fellow Season 6 designer Gordana Gehlhausen also had her knitwear designs featured in the magazine. Let's check out how Irina did, shall we?

Well, it's big and dramatic and very Russian-inspired, which is perfectly in line with what we saw from her in the show. We like the gigantic cowl pieces, although we suspect they only work for brief periods, so long as you've been professionally styled and don't move too much. The ribbed coat is interesting too, but we have to say, that intarsia wing wrap is not working for us at all.

[Photo Credit:]

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