Yea or Nay: Comic-Con Hair

Kittens, we're going to need to retire to our fainting couches as soon as we're done here.

Comic-Con 2010 nerdsploded all over the San Diego Convention Center this weekend and the stars were out in force, hawking their wares. Tom went to Comic-Con just once, in 2001, and that seems to have been the last year they had one that didn't feel like the Golden Globes, what with all the celebrities walking around. Two of this year's "Hi nerds! Aren't I hot?" starlets in attendance decided to unveil startling new looks on top of their heads and... well, just see for yourself.

Scarlett Johansson, before on the left, after the accident on the right:


How on EARTH does any celebrity wind up at an event where she will be photographed looking like THAT? We're pretty sure she had to pass at least a couple of mirrors on the way to that stage, right? That hair is appropriate for your 4 AM mugshot and that's about it.

We cannot possibly NAY loud enough.

Apparently, this was something of a running theme with the sci-fi chicks this week because T Lo goddess and "V" Prada lizard Morena Baccarin may just have topped Scarlet in the "WTF WITH YOUR HAIR" sweepstakes. Observe:


We're trying to chalk this up to a "I'm on summer hiatus and I feel like having fun with it" whim. And she's been sporting that pixie for a while now. Sometimes when you have such a specific haircut, you get a little antsy after awhile and getting it cut isn't really an option since it's already so short. Solution? Clorox, apparently.

Okay, this doesn't look quite as bad as Scarlett's industrial accident, but it's still not a good look for her. Worse, we would have thought that was a no-brainer. If we were here gays and she said she was thinking of going platinum blonde, we would have locked her in her room until the moment passed for her.

It's still a very loud NAY but we'll give her a little leeway because it's clearly temporary and she's just having fun with it.

[Photo Credit:]

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