Off the Catwalks and Onto the Sidewalks

A Letter from the Editor
Uomo Moda 2010 Summer Edition

Spec•ta•tor \’spek-,tā-tər\ noun : someone who watches; an onlooker; an observer. [from the Latin spectāre, to watch.]

In one way or another, we are all spectators in life, whether we go to the stadium to see our favorite soccer team or merely sit on the sofa in our living room to watch a late night movie.

If you are like me, possibly you enjoy window shopping—just strolling down the main boulevard with a friend, looking at all the merchandise that fills the shop windows.

In this Summer Edition of Uomo Moda, we are taking you on a whirlwind tour, from the fashion districts of London to the runways of New York Fashion Week.

But what a pity it would be simply to sit back and flip through the articles, marveling at the beautiful glossy photos and thinking, “I wish I could dress like that!”

Well, this is what Uomo Moda is all about: we are here to show you that you CAN!

Our deepest hope is that, after reading this issue, you no longer sit passively as a spectator; rather, you become an active participate in Uomo Moda, in Men’s Fashion!

Men, let’s take our cities by storm by taking the fashion off the catwalks and onto the sidewalks!

It starts with Uomo Moda. It starts with me. It starts with you! Off the catwalks and onto the sidewalks!
Photo Copyright 2010 Summer Edition Uomo Moda.