Season 3 Episode 2 - "Love Among the Ruins"
We've said this before but one of the things we really admire about Janie Bryant is that she doesn't shy away from dressing the characters in clothes that look utterly ridiculous by modern standards. She could have taken the relatively easy route of dressing everyone in classic styles that look good almost 50 years later. This is not something you're going to see reproduced at Banana Republic any time soon but in 1963 it was chic (especially for maternity wear) and expensive-looking.
Despite the introductory outfit above, Betty mostly wore less-than-glamorous maternity clothes throughout the first half of the season. Even when she's miserable and uncomfortable, Betty still creates her own light. This brilliant yellow stands out among all the other colors in the scene, as it was meant to. And as always, the Drapers look advertisement-perfect. The very picture of the modern "new frontier" family.
God, maternity clothes were so aggressively ugly back in the day. And weirdly juvenile, probably because there was a concerted effort to desexualize pregnant women. Women could be sexual creatures or they could be infantilized. Those were the choices. Blue, yellow, and pink were also pretty much the only color choices in maternity wear at the time, so we'll be seeing pretty much only those colors on her for the duration of her pregnancy.
There's a lot of talk in the DVD commentaries about how Matthew Weiner didn't like this dress and how Janie Bryant had to fight for it. She was right. After all, what does white lace imply on a grown woman? A wedding gown. Of course that's what she'd be dressed in for the scene where she meets the man she will leave her husband for.
Again, this isn't "classic" in the way a lot of the clothes on this show read. It's pure 1963 and only really works in that time period.
Again, this isn't "classic" in the way a lot of the clothes on this show read. It's pure 1963 and only really works in that time period.
Gene sits Betty down and tries to have an end-of-life heart-to-heart with her. He lectures her about her smoking and tells her that he wants her to have her mother's furs. He tries to discuss the arrangements for his funeral but she cuts him off. "It's selfish and morbid. I'm your little girl." "Can't you keep it to yourself?"
How ironic that she puts on the little girl act when she looks anything but the part. There's not a lot of deeper meaning to this outfit, but it's dead-on for the period. How many of us have old pictures of mothers and grandmothers wearing outfits exactly like this?
Again, not a lot here to analyze, but it's a perfect recreation of how millions of women looked during the third trimester back in the day. This is even a little dressed up (note the pearls), probably because she had to leave the house to pick up the kids. Of course it's not nearly as dressed up as her non-maternity clothes but very pregnant women were given a certain amount of leeway.
Season 3 Episode 5 - "The Fog"
As with so many scenes on this show, there's a bit of a class issue at play. Betty doesn't appreciate this teacher delving into her family life and judging her. While both women are in sleeveless cotton dresses in shades of yellow, there is a distinct difference. Betty's clothes look more expensive and well-made than Suzanne's. Again, it's a slightly juvenile look with that big bow right at her belly. Betty looks like a pampered cupcake and Suzanne looks like a working girl.
It wasn't at all uncommon for women of a certain class to have an outfit picked out ahead of time specifically to wear home from the hospital, because she'd know that people will be in and out of the house and pictures will be taken. This pink dress and matching coat is very much of the style and period for those kinds of "coming home" ensembles. It's practical, because it's lightweight and loose-fitting, and it's appropriate for that (very) short period where her every need will be attended to.
Season 3 Episode 6 - "Guys Walk Into an Advertising Agency"
Poor Betty is always caught up in her own angst so we rarely ever get to see her in scenes where she's a good mother to her children. This was a rather sweet scene, even if Betty's attempt was a little awkward. It would ultimately be Don who teaches Sally that there's nothing to fear from her baby brother, but at least Betty's making the attempt here. It's notable that she's still wearing maternity clothing, which is a nice touch that too many costumers miss when dealing with characters post-pregnancy. Even perfect Betty is going to need a little time to get her figure back, especially after her third child. It's notable that this is a very "home-y" look for her, what with the rick-rack trim and the fact that she matches the room and the bed spread.
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