Yea or Nay: Sandals with Socks

Revenge of the nerds.

A topic inspired by the Bottega Veneta Spring 2011 collection. Try and focus on their feet, kittens. We know it's hard.

Many of you will be happy to hear that what is true for women is equally true for men. Namely, just because a gorgeous 20-something model can make something look good for 3 minutes on a runway doesn't mean the average man can get away with it. Not that we think these look good so much as they don't look as heinous as they would on Joe Lunchbox.

For a long time in America socks with sandals was considered the height of nerdery or the province of old men. It was never really that way in Europe so we imagine our European readers have a different cultural reaction to these pictures than our American readers do. Additionally, there's a bit of generational issue at play because young American men are far more likely to attempt this look than their older brothers.

Having said all that, we'll cop to our Americo-centric, Generation X point of view and declare these a NAY. It's possible a non-model could make this look good, but we have yet to see one. American or not, old or young, it still looks to us like you have a nasty foot infection and you're trying to hide it.

[Photo Credit:]

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